Heart and brain center of clinical excellence


Heart and brain center of clinical excellence


  • Доц. Славомир Кондов
  • Николай Райнов
  • Димитър Харитонов
  • Емил Маринчев


Prof. Nikolay Raynov n.rainov@heartandbrain.bg

Prof. Dr. Slavomir Kondov s.kondoff@heartandbrain.bg

Dr. Dimitar Kharitonov d.haritonov@heartandbrain.bg

Dr. Emil Marinchev e.marinchev@heartandbrain.bg


The Neurosurgery Clinic has the most up-to-date equipment, a highly-qualified team and procedures necessary for the precise diagnosis and effective treatment of neurosurgical diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system and diseases of the spine, as well as the first in Bulgaria high-tech hybrid surgery. The room is equipped with intra-operative nuclear magnetic resonance imaging - the first and only in the whole of Southeast Europe, the last generation neuronavigation system for cranial and spinal neurosurgery, operating microscopes with possibilities for fluorescence staining of tumors and vascular diseases, brain ultrasound, arm, ultrasonic resorption aspirator / CUSA /, neuroendoscope, complete electrophysiological monitoring, allowing the conduct of operative interventions with the so-called "awake anesthesia".


The clinic performs: